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A Masterclass with Your Fairy Podmother of Voice It Podcast Agency

Posted on: 6th October 2023 | 3 min

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, podcasting has emerged as a force to reckon with. A recent study showed that over half of all UK consumers have listened to a podcast, and the number is growing and showing no sign of slowing. Voice It Podcast Agency, with its unwavering commitment to giving UK businesses a unique voice, recognises this potential.

Recently “Your Fairy Podmother” of Voice It Podcast Agency”  delivered a “How to Podcast for Business” Masterclass for Sue Blackhurst, a renowned confidence trainer and YouTube personality who at the end of the session was ready to start her very own podcast (and indeed launched within 2 weeks of the Masterclass).

The Power of a Masterclass

Before delving into the specifics of the video, it’s essential to understand why a dedicated masterclass is a game-changer for potential podcasters. A masterclass, especially one tailored for your business audience, promises intensive learning, unparalleled attention to individual needs, and hands-on experience. With the competition in podcasting heating up, standing out requires a certain finesse, knowledge, and a unique voice. That’s where a masterclass shines. The mix of an experience audio professional and a qualified business coach,  means you get an unrivalled experience tailored to YOUR business and your target audience.


The collaboration between Voice It and Sue Blackhurst, birthed an enlightening video. This video, while not diving into the nitty-gritty, strategically outlines the steps and processes integral to what the masterclass provides to clients. It’s a blend of Sue’s charm in her authentic learning, and the technical wisdom Voice It brings to the table shows just exactly what you get when booking this service.

The Journey Through Podcast Creation

Planning Your Episodes

Structure is the backbone of any successful podcast. An episode without a clear direction can quickly lose its audience. The video emphasises the need for thorough planning, sketching out episodes, and ensuring each one brings value to the listener.

Crafting the Perfect Intros and Outros

Your intro sets the tone, and your outro leaves a lasting impression. It’s vital to nail both. During the masterclass, participants were given hands-on experience in creating compelling intros and outros, ensuring listeners are hooked right from the start.

Music Bed Selection

Ever noticed how the right background music can evoke emotions? The training video underscores the importance of selecting the perfect music bed that complements the podcast’s mood.

Setting Up Host Platforms and Directories

While content is king, distribution is equally crucial. The video provides insights into choosing the right hosting platforms and directories, ensuring your podcast reaches as wide an audience as possible.

Recording & Editing

A podcast’s success also hinges on its quality. Participants during the masterclass delved deep into the nuances of recording and editing, ensuring they’re well-equipped to produce polished and captivating episodes.

Tangible Outcomes

The beauty of this masterclass lies not just in its teaching but in its practical application. By the end, participants had crafted their intros and outros, meticulously planned out episodes, and even brought their first episode to life.

The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the Masterclass

Perhaps the most compelling aspect of this masterclass is the vast experience Kath Lord-Green – Your Fairy Podmother brings. With over 25 years in podcasting, radio news, presenting, and podcast hosting and production, Kath’s expertise is unparalleled. When you combine this with Sue Blackhurst’s presenting prowess, participants are guaranteed a rich, authentic experience.


Podcasting isn’t merely a trend; it’s a potent tool in today’s digital marketing arsenal. However, its effectiveness hinges on the quality of the content and the skills of the podcaster. The masterclass, as outlined in the video, is an invaluable resource for those looking to start their podcasting journey.

Seize Your Opportunity

Having read about the masterclass’s offerings, it’s time to take action. Whether you’re a business looking to amplify its brand voice or an individual passionate about sharing stories, the time is ripe to delve into podcasting.

Watch the video and consider signing up for the masterclass. It promises not just knowledge but the confidence to voice your (or your businesses) unique story to the world.