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Dip Your Toe into Podcasting by Adding Audio to Your Existing Communications

Posted on: 4th September 2024 | 4 min

In today’s digital landscape, engaging with your audience is more challenging than ever. While podcasting has emerged as a powerful medium, launching a full-scale podcast can be daunting for many UK SMEs. Fortunately, there’s a simpler way to start incorporating audio into your marketing strategy without diving headfirst into podcasting.

In this blog, Kath Lord-Green, aka Your Fairy Podmother® of Voice It Podcast Agency, discusses how adding audio to your existing communications—such as newsletters and reports—can introduce your audience to the benefits of audio content and boost engagement. This approach allows you to tentatively try podcasting without the need to be on popular platforms.

The Power of Audio

Audio content is not just a passing trend, it’s revolutionising how we consume information. Adding audio to your communications ensures your content is accessible to everyone, including those with visual impairments or reading difficulties. This move broadens your reach and demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity. Furthermore, audio allows your audience to consume information on the go—whether commuting, exercising, or multitasking at work. This flexibility increases the likelihood that your message will be heard. The human voice can convey emotion and personality, making your message more engaging and relatable than plain text. Offering content in both written and audio formats caters to different preferences, ensuring you reach a wider audience.

Integrating Audio into Your Communications

When planning your content, outline your script based on the written material of your newsletter or report. Keep it conversational and engaging. Clear, concise, and relatable language works best for audio. Find a quiet space and use a basic USB microphone and software to record (Audacity is free, keeping costs down). Speak clearly and at a steady pace. Don’t worry about small mistakes; you can edit them out. Use your software to trim errors, long pauses, or background noise. Adding an introduction and conclusion gives your recording a polished feel

UK Success Story: CBP – Community and Business Partners

Consider the case of CBP Community and Business Partners. They recently approached me to look at ways to increase engagement with their members. We discussed adding a podcast as part of their digital marketing strategy, and I suggested that they could just “dip a toe in” by starting with audio content. They did, and recently added audio to their bi-monthly reports, resulting in a 62% read rate—significantly higher than their previous engagement with text-only reports. This example highlights how audio can capture and retain audience attention more effectively than written content alone. The positive feedback demonstrated the demand for audio content among their audience, and they are now recording and distributing their own audio content.

Numerous SMEs are considering incorporating audio summaries into their monthly newsletters. This simple addition can lead to a noticeable spike in engagement, as clients and customers appreciate the convenience of listening to updates while commuting or during breaks. Let’s face it, we all like to multitask!

Ensuring Inclusivity and Accessibility

Always provide transcripts of your audio content. This practice not only aids those with hearing impairments but also boosts your content’s SEO. Use clear and straightforward language to ensure your message is easily understood by a broader audience, including non-native English speakers. Test your audio content with a small group and gather feedback. Use this input to refine your recordings for clarity and engagement. Make sure your audience knows about the audio option. Include a simple message like, “Prefer to listen? Click here to hear this report,” to guide them.

Benefits for Your Business

Audio content’s flexibility and convenience can significantly increase audience engagement, as it fits seamlessly into their daily routines. Offering audio options distinguishes your brand from competitors who might only offer written content. It shows a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. By meeting diverse preferences and needs, you demonstrate that you value your audience’s experience, fostering greater loyalty and trust.

Just Try It!

Podcasting is a powerful tool that can transform how you engage with your audience. For UK SMEs, starting small by adding audio to your existing communications will provide a gentle introduction to podcasting while also enhancing accessibility and engagement.

Integrating audio into your newsletters and reports is a strategic way to ease into the world of podcasting. This approach enhances accessibility, convenience, and engagement, making your communications more inclusive and impactful. By following these steps, you can start incorporating audio into your existing communications and experience the benefits of this versatile medium. Embrace the power of audio, and watch your business connect with more people in more meaningful ways.

Your Fairy Podmother ®