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How important is training to you and your business?

Posted on: 20th December 2022 | 2 min

Personal development has always been a big part of my life and career.

If I don’t know something, I find someone that does and learn from them.

If my skills are feeling outdated and stale, I’ll buy a training course or watch some YouTube videos and upskill myself to ensure I’m on top of my game.

I have trained others in radio (production, editing and hosting) and I’ve trained sales teams in the art of selling (mainly listening and solving the client’s problem and NOT selling). Ten years ago, I trained people in social media for their business and I’m a qualified business coach with 15 years’ experience.

In the advent of podcasting as a growing medium for businesses more and more people are looking into podcasting for business.

Are you looking to upskill or personally develop? Why not add podcasting to your business skills?

My workshop is a first toe in the water for those thinking about adding podcasting to their portfolio of digital marketing products and therefore looking to grow their business via a podcast.

It’s a try before you buy if you like.

Wouldn’t you want to know the whys and wherefores of something before you plunged right in?

The Introduction workshop – How to Podcast for Business (Introduction) is the “stage one” of your podcasting journey.

We answer, in depth, the following questions in either in a group, a bespoke session or a 1-1.

  • What exactly is a Podcast?
  • Why do you think your business would benefit from a Podcast?
  • What tech do you need to start a Podcast?
  • What would you call your Podcast?
  • How long should your Podcast be?
  • Who will listen to my Podcast?
  • How does your Podcast get “out there”?
  • What else can you use your Podcast for?…. and much much more!

Group Workshops

These are where several different businesses come together to do the workshops, so the information is quite generic. You will work on YOUR business Podcast in the exercises.

Bespoke Workshops

These are for YOUR BUSINESS ONLY and cover the same information but focusing specifically on YOUR business sector and YOUR target market.

1-1 Sessions

These are for individuals who want the time and space to go through the workshop on their own and really dig deep into their business.

New workshops coming soon:

  • How to podcast for business – Interview Skills
  • How to podcast for business – Tech Workshop
  • How to podcast for business – Editing
  • How to podcast for business – Getting it out there!
  • How to turn your podcast episode into great blog content.

** Please note that KLG is a qualified business coach with over 15 years coaching experience and this is brought to the table in both the bespoke and 1-1 sessions giving you, the client, a more tailored and focused workshop suited to YOUR business requirements**