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How to:

For Business

Discover How to Podcast for Business with your Fairy Podmother Kath Lord-Green!

Learn how to harness the power of podcasting for your business!

Welcome to the “how to podcast for business” podcast, where you’ll learn how to harness the power of podcasting for your business.

Join professional podcaster, Kath Lord-Green, as she shares her expertise and insider knowledge from her years as a news correspondent, radio host and now, a successful podcaster.

Read the latest insights from Voice It!

Recording TIPs for PODCAST Interviews Online

More and more businesses are looking to guest on podcasts or host their very own podcast.  Online recording is quick, easy and efficient.

Unlocking Podcast PR Power – The Art of Podcast Guesting

Podcast guesting offers a multifaceted approach to PR, allowing you to connect authentically with your audience, showcase your expertise in long-form conversations, boost your online visibility, and establish yourself as a trusted authority

How To Guest On Other Peoples Podcasts – A Step-by-Step Guide

Your Fairy Podmother encourages you to guest on as many podcasts as you can not only is this a great idea (see blog “Unlocking Podcast PR Power”) but it’s a great first step on your own podcasting journey!